ইনসাইড গ্রাউন্ড

Tamim Iqbal adamant in his decision

প্রকাশ: 25/01/2022


Tamim doesn't want to play in the International Twenty20 anymore. When BCB president Nazmul Hasan Papon recently reported that, the national team manager Khaled Mahmud Sujon said he would try to get Tamim back from his decision. However, the latest news is that Tamim's meeting with Sujon did not bring any positive result. Tamim Iqbal, the opener of the national team is adamant in his decision about not to play in the Twenty20 International matches.

The country's best opener has not been seen wearing a national team jersey in the short version of cricket since the Zimbabwe series in 2020. He even withdrew himself from the T20 World Cup squad.

National team manager Khaled Mahmud Sujon discussed Tamim's decision with him. That discussion on Sunday was not fruitful. Tamim is unlikely to return to the Twenty20 Internationals.

Last Saturday, BCB president Nazmul Hasan Papon also told the media that Tamim was adamant about not playing T20. However, he wants to continue ODI and Test cricket.

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