ইনসাইড ইকোনমি

GDP growth of Bangladesh is 6.94% in the 2020-21 fiscal year

প্রকাশ: 08/02/2022


In the fiscal year 2020-21, the country's GDP (gross domestic product) growth has been 6.94 percent, said Planning Minister MA Mannan. The minister said this at a press conference after the ECNEC meeting on Tuesday (February 8).

The planning minister said the final gross domestic product in the 2020-21 fiscal year was 417 billion. GDP growth rate has been 6.94 percent. The per capita income has increased from $2554 to $2591.

He said the final GDP growth of the last fiscal year was 6.94 percent, which was 5.43 percent at the initial stage.

According to the press conference, in the last financial year, the growth in the agricultural sector has been 3.17 percent, which was 2.94 percent as a preliminary. The manufacturing sector grew by 11.59 percent. At the end of the year, 11.65 percent growth has been achieved in power sector and 8.08 percent growth in construction sector. Overall, the industrial sector has grown by 10.29 percent, which was 5.99 percent in the initial stage.

On the other hand, the growth in the services sector has been 5.73 percent, which was 5.86 percent in the initial period. Among them, wholesale and retail trade grew by 7.64 per cent, automobiles by 4.04 per cent, banking and insurance by 5.82 per cent, education by 5.81 per cent and health by 10.60 per cent.

প্রধান সম্পাদকঃ সৈয়দ বোরহান কবীর
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