ইনসাইড বাংলাদেশ

Rice prices fall after expedition: Food Minister

প্রকাশ: 05/06/2022


Food Minister Sadhan Chandra Majumder has claimed that the price of rice has come down after countrywide drives against illegal hoarding and overcharging.

Food Minister came up with the development in response to a question from reporters after a function at the secretariat on Sunday.

He said it was discussed at a cabinet meeting last Monday. We start the campaign on Tuesday afternoon. The campaign started completely on Wednesday. It is going on like a joint operation all over the country.

"We have found illegal hoarding and overcharging of rice in many places and action has been taken against them. In this situation, the price of rice in the market is declining, it has been completely controlled, I will not say that. We are working, we will continue it," he said.

"We are conducting operations in all the areas where we are receiving complaints. If we send people where there are no (illegal stocks), there will be panic in the market. They will stop production. We have to keep an eye on that as well," he said.

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