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Sitakunda Fire: Death toll raises to 44 as another dies at CMCH

প্রকাশ: 08/06/2022


Another died at the BM container depot fire in Sitakunda, Chittagong. The deceased was identified as Md Masud Rana, 38. He died at around 4 this morning. With this, the total number of death stands at 44.

District Police ASI Alauddin Talukder on duty at Chittagong Medical College Hospital confirmed the death of Masud Rana on Wednesday (June 8th).

Masud Rana is the son of Khalilur Rahman of Gopinathpur area of Sarishabari police station in Jamalpur. He was working as an RST operator in BM Container Depot.

Police officer Alauddin Talukder said Masud Rana was admitted to the ICU of Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH). He died at around 4 tonight. His body is currently kept in the morgue of Chittagong Medical College Hospital.

প্রধান সম্পাদকঃ সৈয়দ বোরহান কবীর
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বার্তা এবং বাণিজ্যিক কার্যালয়ঃ ২/৩ , ব্লক - ডি , লালমাটিয়া , ঢাকা -১২০৭
নিবন্ধিত ঠিকানাঃ বাড়ি# ৪৩ (লেভেল-৫) , রোড#১৬ নতুন (পুরাতন ২৭) , ধানমন্ডি , ঢাকা- ১২০৯
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