ইনসাইড বাংলাদেশ

Long queues of vehicles on both sides of Padma Bridge

প্রকাশ: 26/06/2022


Long traffic jams have been created at both ends on the first day after the inauguration of the Padma Bridge as many people are crossing the Padma today in bus-trucks and their own private cars.

Such scene was seen on both sides of the Padma Bridge on Sunday (June 26) morning.

18 hours after the inauguration, the dream Padma Bridge has been opened for traffic from 6 am on Sunday. After opening, long traffic jams have been created at both ends of the bridge.

The situation has been created as the traffic pressure is much higher than the time it takes to collect the toll of one vehicle at the toll plaza, said the concerned.

It is taking about two or three minutes to collect the toll of a vehicle. Although tolls are being collected from a total of six booths, the traffic jam was created due to excessive traffic.

Although some have suffered a bit in the long traffic jam, many have expressed relief at being able to cross the Padma Bridge.

Mohammad Delwar, who came to cross the Padma in a private car, said there was a lot of traffic jam in the morning. I was stuck in a jam for about an hour. But now it feels good to come to the toll plaza, I will cross the Padma in a while.

Biker Mohammad Imran said, I am going to Madaripur for some work. I was stuck in a two-kilometer traffic jam. It felt like a suffering in the beginning but now it feels good.

Sagar Hossain, who is in charge of the ticket counter at the toll plaza, said that the traffic has started today for the first time. That’s why there is a little pressure of vehicle. And since everything here is new, it may take some time.

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বার্তা এবং বাণিজ্যিক কার্যালয়ঃ ২/৩ , ব্লক - ডি , লালমাটিয়া , ঢাকা -১২০৭
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