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Bangladesh second largest economy in South Asia

প্রকাশ: 16/07/2022


Bangladesh is ranked as the 41st largest economy in the world in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and the second in South Asia. The information has been provided by the Canadian-based news organization Visual Capitalist IMF.

The media released a list of 191 nations based on the 104 trillion-dollar world GDP. There, this position of the economy of Bangladesh has come up.

It is said that the GDP of Bangladesh is 397 billion or 39 thousand 7 billion dollars. India is the only country above Bangladesh in South Asia. The country’s GDP is 3.3 trillion or three hundred and thirty thousand billion dollars. India’s position is sixth in the global list. There is no other South Asian country in the top 50 by GDP.

The report primarily measures the size of the global economy based on the trillion-dollar standard. The size of the world economy in 2020 was 88 trillion dollars. In 2021, it increased to 94 trillion dollars. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the size of the global economy (based on GDP) will be $104 trillion in 2022.

The United States topped the list of surveys based on the new criteria. The GDP of the country is 25.3 trillion dollars, which is one quarter of the total global GDP. The next position is China with 19.9 trillion dollars. The country accounts for one-fifth of the global GDP.

Japan is at number three with 4.9 trillion dollars. Germany has the highest GDP among European countries with 4.3 trillion dollars. The country’s position is fourth in the global list.

UK is fifth in the world with 3.4 trillion dollars. France ranks seventh in the list with a GDP of 2.9 trillion dollars. Canada’s GDP is 2.2 trillion dollars, ranking eighth in the world.

Italy’s GDP is 2.1 trillion dollars; the country ranks ninth. Among South American countries, Brazil tops all with 1.8 trillion dollars. The country is ranked 10th in the global list. Nigeria is the largest economy among African countries with 511 billion dollars. The country is ranked 31st in the list.

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