ইনসাইড ইকোনমি

Inflation drops in July compared to June

প্রকাশ: 03/08/2022


Inflation eased in July compared to June. What was 7.56 percent in June has decreased to 7.48 percent in July.

Planning Minister MA Mannan gave this information in a press conference at the Planning Commission on Wednesday (03 August).

The Planning Minister said that inflation was 7.56 percent in June. It has dropped to 7.48 percent in July. Inflation decreased by 0.8 percent in one month. Inflation is expected to decrease further this month.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics mainly calculates inflation for 422 products. In this case, food price inflation was 8.93 percent in June, it has decreased to 8.79 percent in July.

According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, although food inflation decreased in July compared to June, non-food inflation increased. Non-food inflation was 6.51 percent in June. It increased to 6.58 percent in July.

In this regard, the Planning Minister said that inflation has come down due to the reduction in prices of rice, oil and wheat. Shipments of wheat are also coming from Russia.

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