ইনসাইডার এক্সক্লুসিভ

Ahmed Kaykaus appointed as Alternate Executive Director of WB

প্রকাশ: 07/08/2022


Prime Minister's Principal Secretary Ahmed Kaykaus is going to Washington. His appointment as the World Bank's alternate executive director in Washington has been confirmed. Former Cabinet Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam is currently serving as the alternate executive of the World Bank. Shafiul Alam's term will end on October 18. It is said that Ahmad Kaykaus will join soon after this. On October 19, 2019, the then Cabinet Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam joined the World Bank as an alternate executive director. His tenure was for three years, which is ending on October 18 this year. Several government sources have confirmed that the government has nominated Dr. Ahmad Kaykaus as the alternate executive director of the World Bank. Dr. Ahmad Kaykaus is currently on contract. His contract is due to expire on January 1 next year. In between, he is again appointed as the World Bank's Alternate Executive Director for three years.


Dr. Ahmad Kaykaus played an important role as the spokesperson of the Prime Minister's Office, when the multi-faceted crisis is being talked about in the country. He was admired in various quarters especially for his clean image and skills. Moreover, Dr. Ahmad Kaykaus played an important role in bringing back professionalism and discipline to the Prime Minister's office while serving as the Prime Minister's Principal Secretary. At such a time, there has been mixed reaction to the appointment of Ahmed Kaykaus in Washington. Many feel that he was needed more in the Prime Minister's office during this crisis. However, the government has said that this is a normal recruitment process. If everything goes well, it is said that Dr. Ahmad Kaykaus will visit Washington in the last week of October or early November. However, it has not been confirmed till now who will be the Chief Secretary to the Prime Minister if Dr. Ahmed Kaykaus leaves.

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