ইনসাইড ইকোনমি

IMF loan guaranteed, inflation to fall in October

প্রকাশ: 06/09/2022


Planning Minister MA Mannan said that inflation will decrease from next October. He said, it is certain that we will get the loan from the IMF, besides we will also have Aman Rice. The positive effect of these will reduce inflation from October. Moreover, he also expressed hope that everything else will start getting right.

The minister said this at the Development Journalists Forum of Bangladesh (DJFB) development dialogue at the city's NEC conference room on Tuesday (September 6).

The minister said that since the development in the country has been high in the last 10 years, the cost has also been high, many things have not been taken into account. Although the economy of the country is in some trouble due to Coronavirus and conflict of the foreign countries, there is a possibility of stability by next October. He expressed optimism that although the price inflation will increase in August and September, it will come down in October.

Claiming that everything will be normal in October, MA Mannan said, 2 million metric tons of food is stored, we will have Aman Rice soon. We will get a loan of 4.5 billion dollars from the IMF. Overall it will decrease from October. However, inflation will increase slightly in August and September. August data is available. But the head of government is out of the country. After showing it to her, I will reveal the inflation for the month of August.

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