ইনসাইড হেলথ

World Sight Day Today #LoveYourEyes

প্রকাশ: 13/10/2022


Shakespeare said, “Eyes are the window to your soul”. With lights passing through touching our cornea we see the beauty and the wonders of our nature, watch the setting sun, experience the glory of the world. With eyes we not only see, we feel. When words fail, eyes speak. Our vision is our most important sense as it drives our perception. This resembles that eyes are the most important and delicate organ of our body and therefore, it becomes imperative to protect our eyes and ensure their healthy functioning.

Today is the 'World Sight Day'. Every year, World Sight Day (WSD) is observed on the second Thursday of October. The day marks as an opportunity to raise awareness about retinal diseases and showcase the commitment to support the millions of people nationwide living with preventable vision loss. The theme for this year's World Sight day is #LoveYourEyes.

Our vision is the most powerful sense of ours but it is also among the first sense organs to become ill and damaged as we age, lead unhealthy lifestyles. And as we have become more dependent on our smartphone and computer especially children, we should also take extra care of our eye to prevent any type of retinal disease.

Globally, at least 1 billion people have near or distance vision impairment that could be prevented or has yet to be addressed. Vision impairment affects people of all ages, with the majority being over the age of 50. Vision impairment and blindness can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities and the ability to access public services.

There are 5 very effective ways of taking care of eyes.

1) Take Frequent Breaks from the Screens

To the technological era we live in, it has become very common and sometimes necessary to spend a huge amount of hours in front of monitors, TVs and cell phones. The constant exposure to screens, be it the laptop, smartphones, tabs or television, etc., leads to unnecessary strain on our eyes. It is best to take frequent breaks when reading or working on a computer screen. One must look away and focus on objects in the distance for good eye health.

2) Use Eye drops

Staring at screens for too long results it strained dry eyes. The best way to overcome this problem is to use a hydrating eye drop to cool, hydrate and nourish the eyes. Just as one shoe doesn’t fit all, one eye drop isn’t useful for everyone, so consult your ophthalmologist before you squirt anything in your eyes in the hope that it’s doing you good. Also, always check the expiry date of products before using them.

3) Get Regular Eye Check-ups

It is advised that you get an eye check-up at least once in six months. Eye strain, dry eyes, and other similar disorders can lead to severe ailments if they aren’t cured on time.  Consult your doctor once in six months or if any of the following symptoms persist: irritation of the eye/eyes, foreign body sensation in the eye, stringy discharge, eye fatigue, heavy eyelids, red eyes, discomfort on wearing contact lenses, shorter bearable spans of reading, working on computers, etc.

4) Consumption of a Balanced Diet

Our eyes need to be cared for both externally as well as internally. Intake of a diet containing all the essential nutrients in proper quantities is important for maintaining optimum optic health. While eye problems associated with old age such as cataracts and glaucoma cannot be eliminated completely, taking adequate quantities of nutrients such as zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C and vitamin E help reduce the chances of old age-related vision problems. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale and sources of protein such as chicken and soybean are superfoods that maintain healthy eyesight. A balanced diet also ensures a healthy body weight which is essential for keeping obesity at bay. Obesity is a common cause of Type 2 diabetes which is often responsible for rendering patients blind. 

5) Give Up Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is a leading cause of eyesight problems such as Macular Degeneration and Cataracts. The toxins inhaled while smoking are extremely detrimental to optic health. To let the optic nerves function efficiently, it is absolutely essential to give up smoking as it causes damage to it.

People do not take eye problems seriously in Bangladesh. Lack of general knowledge and ignorance about proper eye care is the cause of blindness for many people. Emphasis on eye care and services is essential now. A little awareness, early detection and treatment can prevent blindness. There are some patients in Bangladesh who do not understand that they are suffering from eye problems. As a result, due to lack of proper treatment at the right time, the number of people suffering eye illness, blindness is increasing day by day. 80% of blindness can be eliminated if treated and operated on time and eye problems need to be identified at an early stage through regular health checkups along with raising awareness. In addition, there is a need to take various initiatives by the government and the private sector to eliminate and prevent blindness in Bangladesh.

Another thing to mention is that the eye treatment is being disrupted due to shortage of ophthalmologists in Bangladesh. Many eye operations are not possible in our country due to lack of good doctors, which is our biggest failure. Apart from this, people's reluctance to donate cornea in the country is also holding back our medical system. And there is a lack of public awareness. We should create mass awareness all over the country, so that we can reduce blindness and eye disease. 

Bangla Insider organized a discussion meeting on the occasion on World Sight Day. Where the speaker said that, “Bangladesh has now reached the world standard in eye treatment.” They said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has made remarkable achievements in eye care. They expressed hope that blindness is curable and preventable in Bangladesh and the Institute of Ophthalmology and the Ministry of Health are working towards that goal.

Former advisor to the Prime Minister, President of Community Clinic Support Trust and Chairman of BMRC Dr. Syed Modasser Ali participated in the discussion program along with former Director General of Health Department and internationally renowned ophthalmologist Professor Dr. Deen Mohammad Noorul Haque and Life Director of National Institute of Ophthalmology Professor Dr. Golam Mostafa. The program was moderated by Syed Borhan Kabir.  Watch the full video on Bangla Insider's YouTube channel. 

প্রধান সম্পাদকঃ সৈয়দ বোরহান কবীর
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বার্তা এবং বাণিজ্যিক কার্যালয়ঃ ২/৩ , ব্লক - ডি , লালমাটিয়া , ঢাকা -১২০৭
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