প্রেস ইনসাইড

Prothom Alo-Daily Star on mission to destroy Islami Bank with Jamaat's connivance

প্রকাশ: 06/01/2023


Islami Bank introduced Islamic banking system in Bangladesh. This bank was established in 1983. Mir Kashem Ali, who was convicted for war crime corruption, played a key role in establishing this bank. This bank was considered as the main source of funds of Jamaat since 1983. This bank controlled by Jamaat used to provide money to run the activities of Jamaat all over the country. There was a lot of discussion in various circles about where the profit money of Islami Bank went. At that time, various analysts, including economists, demanded that Islami Bank should be freed from Jamaat. They said that the dividend money of this Jamaat-controlled bank is used to finance militancy and terrorism. Besides, various leaders of Jamaat rose into a great height through this bank. In such a reality, the Awami League government freed Islami Bank from Jamaat under a kind of public pressure.

In 2017, the ownership of Islami Bank was changed and Islami Bank was brought back from Jamaat and a new board of directors of Islami Bank was formed. Since then, the bank is no longer under Jamaat's control and the regular financing of Jamaat has stopped and the bank also flourished. It was very obvious that Jamaat was not happy about it. So, they indulge in is a new conspiracy. And in this conspiracy, two leading media of the country are being used as one of the weapons. Prothom Alo and Daily Star are now under the command and control of Jamaat as their PR firms. These two dailies are being used as the main weapon to implement the blueprint of Jamaat. And it is believed that these two dailies are getting a huge amount of money from jamaat for it.

It should be noted that Jamaat's relationship with Prothom Alo is long-standing. Prothom Alo published controversial, obscene articles and stories about Ganajagaran Manch, when Ganajagaran Manch was created to demand the trial of Kader Mullah. Hefazet Islam marched against Ganajagran Manch in Dhaka in May 2013 on the basis of all those propagandas. And when they came to Dhaka, they ran riot. Later, with the strong initiative of the government, the Hefazet's riot at Shapla Chattar was ultimately unsuccessful. Even then, Prothom Alo, Daily Star did not sit still. When the global crisis hit the country's economy, they looked at the banking sector and started preparing one report after another against Islami banks under Jamaat's prescription and Jamaat's financing. But even though experts and analysts understand that all these reports are baseless, false and fabricated, common people are getting confused. Jamaat is now using Prothom Alo, Daily Star as the main weapon in its mission to reclaim Islami Bank. These two newspapers have been continuously reporting against Islami Bank since November last year. But as at the end of the year it appears that Islami Bank is still the most profitable and successful bank in Bangladesh.

As of last December 31 financials, it can be seen that the profit of this bank is more than any other bank. However, Prothom Alo, Daily Star, is working to destroy the image of this bank and destroy the trust of customers. And the main supporter of Prothom Alo and Daily Star's mission is Jamaat-e-Islam. This connection of Prothom Alo, Daily Star with Jamaat has created a new sensation in the civil society. The main purpose of patronizing Jamaat is to put pressure on the government. However, various sources say that although Prothom Alo or Daily Star talk about the spirit of the liberation war, they actually play a greater role in preserving the interests of the Jamaat.

The role of this media has been debated and questioned at various times. It was this newspaper that printed cartoons insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) during 1/11. And after the publication of this cartoon, devout Muslims erupted in fury against this daily. And they demanded to ban the magazine. At that time, Matiur Rahman, the editor of the newspaper, held on to the feet of the khatib of Baitul Mokarram and begged for forgiveness and survived the journey. But the newspaper cartoonist and a reporter had to serve a long time in jail. After that Jamaat had a good relationship with Matiur Rahman. According to Bangla Insider's investigation, Motiur Rahman, the editor of Prothom Alo, had a long-standing relationship with Jamaat's former Amir Motiur Rahman Nizami, who was sentenced to death. Matiur Rahman also took an interview of Nizami. Those concerned believe that Prothom Alo and Daily Star are playing a role in the mission of destroying Islami Bank based on the old connection with Jamaat.

প্রধান সম্পাদকঃ সৈয়দ বোরহান কবীর
ক্রিয়েটিভ মিডিয়া লিমিটেডের অঙ্গ প্রতিষ্ঠান

বার্তা এবং বাণিজ্যিক কার্যালয়ঃ ২/৩ , ব্লক - ডি , লালমাটিয়া , ঢাকা -১২০৭
নিবন্ধিত ঠিকানাঃ বাড়ি# ৪৩ (লেভেল-৫) , রোড#১৬ নতুন (পুরাতন ২৭) , ধানমন্ডি , ঢাকা- ১২০৯
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