ইনসাইড বাংলাদেশ

International recruiting agency achieves phenomenal growth through imo Group

প্রকাশ: 08/01/2023


A project named Expatriate passenger information Center have achieved phenomenal growth through Imo Group. The aim of the project is to connect and help the expatriates by providing genuine information and to connect all the recruiting agencies in Bangladesh, in our imo group.

The activities of the project include, helping expatriate by providing correct information about foreign work, rules & regulations of the target country and others through imo group. To connect all the recruiting agencies in Bangladesh in an imo group ‘Expatriate information Center’, so that the poor workers who decided to go foreign for work, can contact us directly. As a result, expatriate’s processing cost will be minimized and by proper imo channel/group we can provide real information to the passenger, thus, there is no chance to be cheated by broker.

Mr. Abdullah Al Mamun, marketing manager of BGL Overseas Limited added, BGL Overseas ltd. is a popular recruiting agency based in Dhaka, Bangladesh has registered remarkable growth after joining ‘imo Group’, a free broadcast platform for service and information introduced by popular instant messaging app Imo, decided to connect with Imo Group to explore further possibilities. Within a very short period of time, their business experienced a quick rise.

Currently, there are huge opportunities for Bangladeshis to work overseas, but it often remains unexplored owing to lack of proper information. 

Currently on Imo, there are around 10 million Bangladeshi users who work in the Middle East. In the future, Imo will be partnering with leading recruiting partner to create an ecosystem where migrant workers can avail different authorized services at affordable prices and look for their dream jobs from the comfort of their homes.

প্রধান সম্পাদকঃ সৈয়দ বোরহান কবীর
ক্রিয়েটিভ মিডিয়া লিমিটেডের অঙ্গ প্রতিষ্ঠান

বার্তা এবং বাণিজ্যিক কার্যালয়ঃ ২/৩ , ব্লক - ডি , লালমাটিয়া , ঢাকা -১২০৭
নিবন্ধিত ঠিকানাঃ বাড়ি# ৪৩ (লেভেল-৫) , রোড#১৬ নতুন (পুরাতন ২৭) , ধানমন্ডি , ঢাকা- ১২০৯
ফোনঃ +৮৮-০২৯১২৩৬৭৭