Inside Thought

Sheikh Hasina is the architect of this changing Bangladesh

On the 15th of August, 1975, the nation was directionless in the aftermath of the tragic event. In this infernal incident, people were left bewildered. There was no courage to protest or resist. Many prominent leaders of the party were duty-bound but misguided. The house at Dhanmondi 32 were silent as graves. The entire nation was then engulfed in darkness. Military boots trampled over democracy. The constitution and people's fundamental rights were displaced by exile. Even the mention of Bangabandhu's name was prohibited. At that time, neither the contemporary radio nor television dared to utter Bangabandhu's name. The country was led astray. Read More...

Sheikh Hasina, the home of 18 crore people

In 1781, amidst the treacherous betrayal by Mir Jafar, one of the most detested generals in history, Bengal bid farewell to Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah, marking the onset of a 200-year-long colonial subjugation. Though India gained independence in 1947, Bengalis and Bangladeshis did not taste freedom. Then Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, emerged as a hero and beacon of hope for all the Bengalis. From 1971 to the '75, the crimson flag of independence soared high, igniting the hearts of Bengalis with hope. Read More...

Today, the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina cannot be sidelined by the global community

Today, we are talking about May 17th, the day when the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina returned to her homeland. Again, last year on this day, the brain child of Sheikh Hasina, the Community Clinic was recognized by the United Nations as 'The Sheikh Hasina Initiative'. Today, we are talking about Digital Bangladesh, we are talking about the developed Bangladesh, we are talking about the smart Bangladesh that we dream of, the dream of an advanced Bangladesh, all of these are the Sheikh Hasina initiative. Read More...

Community Clinic is the 'Light House' for people seeking primary health care

Community clinics serve as an indispensable, unique, and transformative model for delivering healthcare services, especially to underserved rural communities. They represent an exceptional initiative in providing healthcare services to children, maternal health, and adolescents. The community clinic model has begun to be emulated in various countries worldwide, particularly in reducing neonatal and maternal mortality rates. On May 17 last year, community clinics received recognition as "The Sheikh Hasina Initiative" by the United Nations. Read More...

Under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh is now a wonder of development

The fundamental character of the country changed through the assassination of Bangabandhu. Particularly, under the Pakistani influence, a culture of military rule was established in the country. Sectarianism returned to politics, administration, education, and various levels of society. One after another, incidents of shattered dreams occurred in the country. The life of the Bengali nation became enveloped in the darkness of uncertainty. In such adverse times, on 17th May 1981, disregarding the bloodshed and prohibition orders of the military rulers, the worthy daughter of the Bengali nation, Sheikh Hasina, returned to her motherland. Read More...

May 17 Marks a Significant Day in Bangladesh's History.

On August 15, 1975, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, fell victim to the brutality of anti-independence reactionary forces. His assassination not only claimed the life of a president but also dealt a fatal blow to our aspirations for freedom and progress. Bangladesh stood at the brink of collapse as its very existence was threatened. The daughter of the Father of the nation Sheikh Hasina was barred from returning to the country, threatened with death. The military junta, led by Ziaur Rahman, created a hellish situation in the country. Read More...

May 17 Marks a Significant Day in Bangladesh's History

On August 15, 1975, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation, fell victim to the brutality of anti-independence reactionary forces. His assassination not only claimed the life of a president but also dealt a fatal blow to our aspirations for freedom and progress. Bangladesh stood at the brink of collapse as its very existence was threatened. The daughter of the Father of the nation Sheikh Hasina was barred from returning to the country, threatened with death. The military junta, led by Ziaur Rahman, created a hellish situation in the country. Read More...

Sheikh Hasina is the symbol of the success of marginalized people

After the liberation war, when the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to the country, he found a devastated nation. In just over three years, he rebuilt the country and the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of the Father of the Nation, has continued from that point. When she returned to the country, she found out that the proud children of the country have been murdered, the Razakars have gained power, the Bangladeshi flag flies on Razakar vehicles, Bangladesh Betar became Bangladesh Radio, the constitution has been mutilated, sectarian politics prevail, and every effort is made to erase Bangladesh. Read More...

AI enabled Precision Treatment for Chronic Metabolic Diseases

Chronic metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, obesity, fatty liver, and dyslipidemia, often originate as an individual's metabolism gradually breaks down. Medical research reveals the unique functioning of each person's metabolism, posing challenges for healthcare providers in understanding and customizing personalized treatments. Addressing this complexity, a digital healthcare entity utilizes cutting-edge technology and advanced medical science to deliver personalized, precise, and timely insights with easy-to-follow recommendations to address the root cause. Read More...

Bangladesh’s election: Widely boycotted or widely accepted?

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is reveling in her golden era. Having already held four terms with thumping mandates, she retains the laurel of the globe’s longest-serving female head of government. Her win in January, which secured her fifth term in office, has elicited a barrage of plaudits from almost all quarters in the region. Hasina presents the rare case where both rival Asian powers China and India agree on the benefits of her place at the helm. Regional powers, irrespective of ideological and political leanings, rushed to congratulate her incoming administration. However, most eyes after the January election were fixed on the United States, given its vocal democracy promotion efforts in Bangladesh as of late. While the US State Department did say that the elections were not free or fair, US officials recognized the new government and pledged to collaborate with it going forward. With the US weight lifted, Hasina’s ship now looks to be sailing in smooth seas. Read More...

Under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, BMRC is at the forefront of research

The Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman emphasized that healthcare and its improvement were crucial for the development of the country. He believed that without advancements in healthcare and its infrastructure, and without people having the right to good health, building the nation would not be possible. Therefore, Bangabandhu formulated a beautiful policy framework at that time, which was both modern and scientifically sound. Most importantly, her daughter the visionary statesperson Sheikh Hasina has been implementing those policies in the same manner as Bangabandhu initiated, based on his foundational principles. Read More...

Developing health systems without evidence-based information is a challenging task

After independence, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave us this instruction that for a state to prosper economically and stand firmly on its feet, the health of its people must be safeguarded. In line with this vision, he initiated the development of Bangladesh's healthcare system, laying down a blueprint for its advancement. This vision is enshrined in the constitution of Bangladesh, emphasizing the centrality of healthcare to the well-being of its citizens. Drawing inspiration from Bangabandhu's philosophy, our esteemed leader, Sheikh Hasina, continues to steer our nation, providing constant guidance and implementing effective measures to further enhance the country's healthcare system. Read More...

Like the economy, we will also advance in research under the guidance of the Prime Minister

The Honourable Prime Minister has provided a strategic framework for medical research. Henceforth, we can develop a five-year action plan under the guidance of the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC). It is imperative for doctors to show interest in medical research. Integration of research methodology into medical education curriculum is underway but requires reinforcement. Adequate evaluation mechanisms should be established for physicians committed to medical research. Read More...

Prime Minister's Endless Support Fuels Research Endeavors

The lifelong goal of the Father of the Nation was to bring smiles to the faces of the distressed people of Bangladesh. He prioritized the healthcare sector to achieve this goal. In just over three years, he took several significant steps to improve the country's healthcare system. He formulated robust constitutional policies, practical action plans, and necessary infrastructure. Read More...

True independence thrives on continuous medical research, guided by the enduring vision of the Father of the Nation and the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

The word "freedom" is our most cherished and revered term. Just as every individual dreams of freedom, thirsts for it, and holds the desire for freedom in their hearts, so too does a nation achieve its ultimate transformation and embark on the path of development through the means of freedom. Just as individual freedom develops and liberates a person, igniting the stream of their free thoughts, similarly the freedom of a nation takes all its people towards progress and modernity, ensuring the success of nation so that all citizens can enjoy its benefits. Therefore, if we analyze the history of the world, we will see that without freedom, no nation could uphold self-respect, dignity, and prosper. Thus, throughout the world, in every country, we have witnessed the aspiration for freedom, wars fought for freedom, compromises made for freedom, and people of the whole world being mobilized for freedom. Read More...

Sheikh Hasina brought BMRC into the limelight on the path shown by Bangabandhu

The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman knew that for the benefits of independence to reach everyone, advanced education and healthcare options were necessary. Research was needed to provide advanced medical care and health services to all. If we analyze the three and a half years of his rule, we see that Bangabandhu emphasized research in all aspects. He adopted short, medium, and long-term plans for research. Read More...