Inside Bangladesh

Full text of AL President Sheikh Hasina's speech

Publish: 02:20 PM, 05 Jan, 2024


Awami League (AL) President Sheikh Hasina this evening delivered a televised address ahead of the 12th Jatiya Sangsad election slated for January 7.

Following is the full text of her speech.  



20 Paush 1430

4 January 2024

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim


Dear countrymen

  Assalamu Alaikum.

  Wishing you all a very happy New Year.

  Bangladesh Awami League is going to finish the current term with great success by forming the government for the fourth time in the post-1975 period after winning the 11th Jatiya Sangsad Election in 2018 with a huge margin of vote. The 12th Jatiya Sangsad Election will be held on January 7.

   I remember with deep respect the Greatest Bangalee of All Time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Remembering the four national leaders and 30 lakh martyrs and 2 lakh oppressed mothers and sisters of the liberation war. I salute the freedom fighters.

   I recall with profound grief the victims of the heinous killing on August 15, 1975, my mother Bangmata Fazilatun Nesha Mujib, three brothers- freedom fighter captain Sheikh Kamal, freedom fighter lieutenant Sheikh Jamal and ten-year-old Sheikh Russell- Kamal and Jamal's newlywed wife Sultana Kamal and Rozi Jamal, my uncle freedom fighter Sheikh Abu Naser, Military Secretary to the President Brigadier Jamil and ASI Siddiqur Rahman of Police Intelligence and all other martyrs of that night.

  I pay deep respect to Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, founding president of Bangladesh Awami League, one of the oldest political parties of this subcontinent, general secretary Shamsul Haque and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, the champion of democracy.

  Remembering Awami League's 22 leaders and activists including Ivy Rahman, who were killed in the grenade attack on August 21, 2004. Remembering 21 thousand leaders and activists including former finance minister Shah AMS Kibria, Awami League leader Ahsanullah Master, Manjurul Imam and Momtaz Uddin who were brutally murdered after BNP-Jamaat came to power in 2001.

  I remember those who were killed in the BNP-Jamaat alliance's arson attacks and petrol bombings. Condolences to the injured and bereaved family members.

 Dear Countrymen,

  The father of the nation deployed all his might to rebuild the war-torn Bangladesh, standing on the destroyed infrastructure and economy as a result of Pakistan's 24-year exploitation and the scorched-earth policy of Pakistan in the 1971 liberation war. In just 3 years 7 months 3 days, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib achieved a prestigious status for Bangladesh at the global stage by running the government. In 1972, the per capita income of Bangladesh was $91. The father of the nation increased it to $277 in just 3 and a half years. From 1976 to 1991, the illegitimate governments of Bangladesh increased per capita income by only $5 in 16 long years. During the tenure of the Father of the Nation, the growth rate exceeded 9 percent. But, all the development and progress of Bangladesh had stopped after the killing of the father of the nation along with his family members on August 15 in 1975.

  I and my younger sister Sheikh Rehana were abroad when the father of the nation was killed.

That is why we survived. We were forced to live as refugees for long 6 years. In 1979, Ziaur Rahman staged an illegal election through yes/no voting. In that election, the counting of votes showed turnout of more than 100 percent votes. Ziaur Rahman was illegally the army chief on one side and the president on the other.

   The then military ruler Ziaur Rahman prevented us from coming to the country. I returned to the country in 1981 with the support of Bangladesh Awami League and the people. I returned to the country ignoring all threats from the illegally ruling government, Father of the Nation's murderers and plotters and the war criminals.

   I started the struggle to establish people's right to vote and food. That's why I came under attack again and again. I protested against the military regime for the democratic rights of the people and was arrested many times. I faced assassination attempts at least 19 times. But I didn't give up. Finally, I was able to return the right to vote to the people.

After long 21 years, Bangladesh Awami League formed government by winning the general election held on 12th June, 1996. It made an end to killings, coups and military rule.

 In the post-1975 period, illegitimate governments' isolation from people, looting and governing the state without any philosophy turned Bangladesh into an undignified state. Bangladesh was known to the outside world as a land of floods, storms, tides and beggars-poor-destitute people. At that time, the poverty rate in the country was about 55 percent.

 During the 1996-2001 tenure, we took several groundbreaking initiatives to alleviate poverty. We established peace in the hills by inking the hill tracts peace accord. Various allowances were introduced for the poor and marginal groups, special programs for them such as: Ashrayan Project, Ghore Fera, establishing of community clinics played a special role in alleviating poverty and improving the quality of life of marginal people.

  Adoption of farmer and agro-friendly policies made the country self-sufficient in food production rapidly. Besides, we adopted short, medium and long-term policies in various sectors; which put a far-reaching effect on the economy.

 Dear Countrymen,

    From June 23, 1996 to July 15, 2001 - 26 years after completing these 5 years, the Awami League government handed over power peacefully for the first time in the history of Bangladesh.

   BNP-Jamaat came back to power in 2001 through a conspiracy, just when the country was overcoming financial stagnation and embarking on the highway of socio-economic development. Under the umbrella of the state, a campaign to torture and repress Awami League leaders and workers began. As many as 21, 000 leader and workers were killed. Many ongoing development projects were shelved for political reasons alone. By opening the 'Hawa Bhavan', looting of state resources, corruption, terrorism, militancy and misrule continue freely.

  On August 21 in 2004, grenade attack was launched on Awami League's peace rally that killed 22 leaders and wounded more than 500 people. Bomb attacks in districts, clanging of weapons, session jam and uncertain life of students in educational institutions were the common phenomena during the BNP-Jamaat coalition government. Militancy, terrorism, arms smuggling, money laundering, embezzlement of bank money and the dual rule of Hawa Bhaban made public life miserable.

 At the end of the term, in 2006, through the BNP-Jamaat alliance was supposed to hold elections after handing over the power, the party resorted to various tricks to hold the power forever. With a view to rigging the election, a voter list was formulated including 01 crore 23 lakh fake voters as well as a submissive Election Commission was formed.

    Such of their activities led Bangladesh on the path of darkness. As a result, a state of emergency was imposed in the country. The military force seized power from behind the scene. This government of Iajuddin, Fakhruddin and Mainuddin snatched away the rights of the people and started running a steamroller on them. Design was made to break up the established political parties. I and many leaders of my party and other party leaders were imprisoned. An initiative was taken to hold elections after trying to form different parties.

     But conscious countrymen in unison resisted this plot. In the face of people's agitation, they were forced to hold the 9th parliamentary elections. However, they implemented some of the demands of the electoral reforms that the Awami League-led Grand Alliance presented - such as: preparation of voter lists with photographs, cancellation of the list of 1 crore 23 lakh fake voters, and use of transparent ballot boxes.

The Awami League-led Grand Alliance achieved a landslide victory in the general election held on December 29, 2008. Awami League alone won 233 seats. And BNP alone won only 30 seats. Partners of the both the alliances won the rest of the seats.

 Dear Countrymen,

  There is a huge gap between Bangladesh 15 years ago and today's Bangladesh. People's living standard has improved. Today, the people dream of a developed life. They dream of a beautiful life.

 I am presenting the picture what was the socio-economic condition of Bangladesh in the last year of the BNP-Jamaat coalition government in 2006; and what progress has been achieved during the Awami League government from 2009 to 2023:

  Growth rate is 7.25 percent, per capita income increased 5 times. The size of budget has increased 12 times. Annual development program increased 13 times. GDP size 12 times. Foreign exchange reserves 36 times. Export earnings 5 times. Annual remittance inflow 6 times. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increased 5 times. Purchasing power of an agricultural labourer increased 3 times. Wages of workers increased 9 times.

  Poverty rate reduced from 41.51 percent to 18.7 percent. Extreme poverty rate reduced 5 times. Drinking water increased from 55 percent to 98.8 percent. Sanitary latrines increased from 43.28 percent to 97.32 percent. Infant mortality rate decreased from 84 to 21 in per thousand. Maternal mortality rate decreased from 360 to 156 in per lakh. The average life expectancy is 72.8 years.

Power generation capacity increased 8 times. Electricity consumption rate increased from 28 percent to 100 percent. Literacy rate increased to 76.8 percent. Technical education increased 22 times. Food grain production 4 times.

 We have built Padma Bridge with domestic funds. We launched metro rail in Dhaka, constructed elevated expressway and inaugurated subway operations. We set up the country's first nuclear power plant at Rooppur. The third terminal of Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport has been inaugurated. We have constructed South Asia's first underground road - 'Bangabandhu Tunnel' in Chittagong. Dhaka-Cox's Bazar rail route has been established by constructing iconic railway station in Cox's Bazar. 'Bangabandhu Satellite-1' has been launched.

In any economic index, the economy of Bangladesh has excelled by increasing manifold in 2023 as compared to 2009. In 2009, the GDP was only $102 billion. In 2023, the GDP has crossed $ 450 billion.

 During the Awami League government, the total amount of bank loans increased more than 7 times. As of June 2009, there were bad loans of Taka 22,000 crore; Which is 10.5 percent of the total loan. At the end of September 2023, there were bad loans of Taka 1 lakh 55 thousand crore; Which is 9.9 percent of the total disbursed loans.

  Those who criticize - it is unfortunate that they do not present the correct information to the nation. It is their character to mislead people with false information against the country. It seems that they get frustrated when they see the socio-economic development of the people of Bangladesh.

Dear Countrymen,

  On December 27, I presented the election manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League before you. I explained in detail in what condition we found the country, and how much we have been able to implement to improve your living standard.

  By sustaining the development trend of the country, so that you can have a better life, we have explained what we will do in the next 5 years if we are elected by your vote.

Today I have come to you to seek your vote for "boat" symbol. We want another chance to make this development sustainable, to improve your standard of life, to build our beloved motherland Bangladesh a hunger-poverty-free developed Smart Sonar Bangla.

 The aim of the Awami League government is to improve your living standard by ensuring food security by increasing production, reducing poverty, providing permanent homes and livelihoods for landless and homeless families, educating our children and youth in time-befitting education system, improving health services further, creating massive employment opportunities through domestic and foreign investment in 100 economic zones, continuing providing technical and computer training in every upazila as we have created the opportunity, finding new workplaces in different countries of the world for exporting skilled manpower, ensuring civic amenities for rural people, improve roads and highways and taking measures to make sustainable electricity, drinking water and sanitation facilities we have taken.

If we are elected by your valuable votes and can form the government once again, we will get the opportunity to improve your living standard by implementing the programmes we have taken.

The aims of the Awami League government are to create new employment opportunities in the country, to ensure civic amenities for the rural people, to develop roads and highways, and to improve living standard of all people by sustaining the measures taken for electricity, fresh water and sanitation.

If we are elected with your valuable votes and form the government again, we will get the opportunity to improve your living standard by implementing the programmes that we have taken.

By excavating rivers, canals, ponds and reservoirs, conducting extensive plantation programme, creating afforestation and building green belts in the country’s coastal areas, we will protect the people of the country from the adverse impacts of climate change - cyclones, tidal surge, floods and riverbank erosion.

Extensive development of communication infrastructure will be ensured by enhancing road, rail, waterway and airways and their services.

Steps will continue for mechanising agriculture sector, producing more crops, food preservation, processing of food and agricultural products, meeting local demand and taking appropriate initiatives to export goods.

New markets are being explored to expand export trade and the production of necessary products will be increased. To this end, works will continue to produce digital devices, leather and leather products, jute and jute products, and build agriculture and food processing, pharmaceuticals and cottage industries, small, medium and heavy industrial production units, shipbuilding and ship recycling industries, and factories. Massive investment and employment opportunities will be created.

In this regard, the works of building institutions and laboratories for agricultural products, health science, technological science, nuclear research, aerospace and aviation research, marine research and climate change research should be accomplished.

Dear Countrymen,

In continuation of the successes we achieved in governing the state imbued with the ideals and spirit of the liberation war mentioned in the AL’s election manifestoes in 2008, 2014 and 2018, we have declared the election manifesto for building a Smart Sonar Bangla from 2024. Among the issues of socioeconomic development of the people mentioned in this election manifesto, I am presenting before you some of the issues that we have given special priority:

* To protect and practice democratic system at all levels.

* To continue all-out efforts to keep prices of commodities within everyone's purchasing capacity.

* To ensure employability education and employment for youth.

*  To build smart Bangladesh based on modern technology.

* To mechanise the integrated agricultural system and take initiatives to preserve products aiming to boost production.

* To boost agricultural products and food processing industries.

*  To create employment opportunities by developing infrastructure and setting up industrial units up to village level.

* To enhance the proficiency and capacity in bank, insurance and financial sectors.

*  To make healthcare services available for low-income people.

* To ensure individual and social security by including all in the universal pension system.

*  To enhance the capacity of law enforcing agencies in using modern technology and ensure their accountability.

*  To remove communalism and all forms of terrorism and militancy.

In three consecutive periods from 2009 to 2023, the Awami League government has advanced the nation towards the path of building a democratic country based on equality and justice through public welfare-oriented and integrated planning, maintaining democratic trend and stability. Meanwhile, a sustainable foundation for reconstructing a developed Bangladesh has been established. Bangladesh has achieved the status of a developing country. Bangladesh's journey as a developing country will begin from 2026. The opportunity, to be got for building Bangladesh as developing country, will be utilised and the existing challenges can be dealt with only if the Awami League remains in power.

By implementing Bangladesh as a developing country, we have formulated plans to build a developed and prosperous Smart Bangladesh by 2041.

A large number of potential young generation will be the main architects in reconstructing Smart Bangladesh. The power of youth means the advancement of Bangladesh.

Dear Countrymen,

The 12th national parliamentary elections will be held on January 7. A request to all the political parties and institutions that believe in democracy and the rule of law - do not allow and instigate any abnormal ideas that disrupt the constitutional process.

We expect a free, fair and impartial election. This is the first time in Bangladesh that the Election Commission has been formed as per law. The Election Commission has been given financial freedom. Administration and law enforcing agencies have been brought under the Election Commission. The Election Commission is conducting the polls absolute independently.

 Our government is providing all kinds of support to the Election Commission for conducting fair and peaceful elections. Whenever Bangladesh Awami League, a party of commoners, comes to power, it ensures the socioeconomic development of the country’s people. It also ensures food, security, health treatment, housing, education and employment of the people and massive infrastructure development.

We believe in peace, not in conflict. At the international level, we believe in the principle of ‘Friendship to all, malice to none’. We are moving forward with this principle. We have developed every institution keeping pace with the present era aiming to protect independence and sovereignty.

We do not want war, we want peace. We want an end to the wars in Palestine and Ukraine. We want an end to the genocide going in Palestine. Bangladesh always stands by the people of Palestine.

Dear Countrymen,

You have given the Awami League the opportunity to serve you by voting for boat. I express my gratitude.

 As much as we have achieved during this long journey, all of it is your contribution.

 This would not have been possible without your cooperation. If we have made any mistakes in our journey, forgive us - this is my request. If we can form the government again, we will get a chance to correct the mistakes we did in the past. Please give me another opportunity to serve you by voting for the 'Boat' in the January 7 election.

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had struggled throughout his life to realise the rights of the people of this country and bring smile on the faces of the distress people.

 By losing my father, mother and brothers, I am standing by you making the pains a resort. I have found the love of my parents and affection of brothers in you. You are my family so keep trust in me. Let’s all build this Bangladesh a Smart Sonar Bangla and fulfill the dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib.

I want to say with the words of poet Sukanta-

Our time has come

We need to move forward

Our time has come to march forward this morning

At the global level, on an equal footing with others

Do not look back, let us move forward

Chant the victorious slogan in the morning

(“Amader Dak Aseche

Ebar Pathe Chalte Hobe.

Dak Aseche Chalte Hobe Aj Saokale

Biswapathe Sabar Sathe Saman Tale.

Pichon Pane Takasni Aj, Chol Sammokhe

Joyer Bani Notun Prate Bol O Mukhe.”)

Khoda Hafez.

Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu

May Bangladesh live forever.


Awami League   President   Sheikh Hasina   Election   Smart Bangladesh  


Inside Bangladesh

Is Bangladesh the second address of the Taliban?

Publish: 07:53 AM, 26 Jul, 2024


Last week, widespread violence and destruction unfolded across Bangladesh, centered in Dhaka. This has raised a pertinent question: Is Bangladesh witnessing the rise of extremism akin to the Taliban? Is Bangladesh potentially becoming a second home for the Taliban?

From July 17th to July 21st, incidents of unrest and violence have occurred across the country. Upon analysis, it is evident that the main instigators behind all these events are the anti-independence Jamaat, Shibir, and some militant organizations. Evidence suggests that professional militants have attacked various important establishments such as BTV, Metro Rail, and Elevated Expressway. Particularly concerning is the incident where militants managed to escape from Narshingdi jail, which raises several questions.

During this agitation (quota reform movement), BNP and its student wing were certainly involved, but they were supportive forces. Towards the end, with hopes of profiting and causing the government's downfall, they appeared on the field as allies of Jamaat-Shibir's B Team. However, the entire planning and execution of this movement were orchestrated by Jamaat, Shibir, and professional militants. This raises the question whether Bangladesh is witnessing a resurgence of terrorism. Because all these incidents have been orchestrated in such a manner that they couldn't have been carried out without the involvement of trained terrorists. This incident has made it clear that in Bangladesh, extremist, blind faith-driven, and reactionary groups remain active and have abundant weapons at their disposal.

In Bangladesh, there have been various instances of attempts to promote terrorism. Particularly in 2001, after the BNP-Jamaat alliance came to power, terrorism was encouraged and supported.

Research reveals that during that time, Bangla Bhai, along with Sheikh Abdur Rahman, led all the terrorists, who were under the parole of Jamaat and controlled by Jamaat. All these militant organizations orchestrated bomb attacks nationwide at that time. They carried out bomb attacks in court premises. Subsequently, various efforts were made gradually to curb terrorism. Upon assuming power, the Awami League government took a stern stance against terrorism. However, the Holy Artisan incident opened everyone's eyes. It became evident that terrorism still maintains a strong presence in Bangladesh.

After the Holy Artisan incident, the government adopted a zero-tolerance policy against terrorism and granted special importance to counterterrorism efforts. However, this did not eradicate terrorism completely. Terrorists became active from various locations, especially in the hilly areas where there have been reports of terrorist training camps. Due to all these reasons, it is believed that terrorists have reorganized and are attempting to overthrow the government. Following the unrest in July, it seems terrorists are now more organized than ever before. Therefore, they must be thwarted immediately. Failure to do so may turn Bangladesh into another Afghanistan in the days to come.


Inside Bangladesh

IU closed until further notice, students asked to vacate halls


Citing clashes and fatalities at various universities across the country over the quota reform movement, Islamic University (IU) has been closed indefinitely, prioritizing the safety of its students.

This decision was made at the 264th emergency syndicate meeting held on Wednesday (July 17th) at 10:30 AM, presided over by the Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Shaikh Abdus Salam.

A notice was issued, signed by IU acting registrar HM Ali Hasan in this regard.

Registrar’s Office Sources informed that considering the unforeseen circumstances arising at various educational institutions across the country, all academic activities of Islamic University will remain suspended until further notice, prioritizing the overall safety of the students. Male students have been instructed to vacate their hall by 1:00 PM on July 17 and female students by Thursday (18th July) 10:00 AM.

IU   Student Protest  


Inside Bangladesh

9 killed as microbus, auto rickshaw plunge into Barguna river

Publish: 02:18 AM, 23 Jun, 2024


At least nine people were killed and several others injured as a microbus, carrying a bridal party, plunged into a river after a bridge collapse in Amtali upazila of the district today.

The deceased were identified as Rubia ,45, wife of Rakibul Howladar, Raiti Khan,22, wife of Sohail Khan, Fatema,35, wife of Babul Matbar, Shahnaz Akhtar, 37, wife of Abul Kalam, and her  two daughters Tahiyat Mejbin, 7, and Tasfia Mubassera, 12, Farida Begum,48,  wife of Fazlur Rahman Khan, residents of  Kokararchar village of  Shibchar upazila in  Madaripur district,  Zakia, 35 ,   wife of Zahirul Islam and her  daughter Rukaid Islam, 5, resident of Taktabunia village of Amtali Upazila Haldia Union in Barguna district.

The accident occurred when they were going to attend a wedding ceremony in Amtali Municipal Town on a microbus while crossing the connecting bridge of Chawra Union and Haldia Union of the upazila around 2:30 pm this afternoon as the bridge collapsed into the Subandhi river, leaving at least 20 people injured, officer-in-charge (OC) of Amtali Police Station Kazi Tofazzal Hossain Tapu said.

Later, fire service and police personnel rescued the injured and took them to Amtali Upazila Health Complex where on-duty doctor declared nine of them dead, he said.

Golam Sarwar Tuku, MP of Barguna-1 constituency and Deputy Commissioner Rafiqul Islam visited the spot.

The bodies will be handed over to theirs family members after legal process, The OC added.

(Source: BSS)


Inside Bangladesh

Farewell darbar held for outgoing army chief

Publish: 02:12 AM, 23 Jun, 2024


The outgoing Chief of Army Staff General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed received farewell ‘darbar’ here today.

He also exchanged views with the military officers, junior commissioned officers (JCOs) and other army personnel of different ranks, according to an ISPR press release.

Army personnel from all cantonments participated in the darbar through Video teleconferencing (VTC), the release added.

In his farewell address, the Army Chief expressed his special gratitude to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, saying that the Bangladesh Army has stood with its head high before the world today as a modern and smart force due to the sincere efforts of the premier.

He also expressed his sincere gratitude to all concerned for their full cooperation during discharging duties.

(Source: BSS)


Inside Bangladesh

Over 17 lakh people marooned in Sylhet, Sunamganj floods

Publish: 02:07 AM, 23 Jun, 2024


A devastating floods in Sylhet and Sunamganj inundated much of two northeastern districts leaving over 17 lakh people stranded and damaging standing crops and infrastructures.

Residents and officials of local administrations told BSS that 17,57,222 people have been marooned in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts as this year's second spell of flood submerged vast swaths of the two district creating huge suffering of the people.
Among the total people, who are marooned by flood water, 7.92 lakh people are in Sunamganj and 9.64 lakh people are in Sylhet, they added.
Officials of Sylhet district administration said the first spell of flood affected thousands of people in 13 upazilas and municipalities of Sytlhet district in late May and the flash flood prolonged first week of the current months leaving a large number of people marooned.
The authorities have set up 6,392 shelter centres after the second round of flood hit Sylhet and Sunamganj districts. As flood water started receding, people are going to home from shelter centres.
The Sunamganj district administration sources said flood water submerged 11 upazilas and Sunamgaj municipality.

Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation Anwaruzzaman Choudhury said, "Volunteer teams of city corporation are working to extend assistances for flood-hit people. We have arranged adequate amount of food at shelter centres."

A devastating flood, triggered by heavy rainfall and onrush water from hilly regions, have affected 20 lakh people in Sylhet and Sunamganj districts, according to a statement of UNICEF issued today.

 The statement, signed by Sheldon Yett, UNICEF Representative to Bangladesh, read among 20 lakh flood affected people in two northeastern regions - Sylhet and Sunamganj - 7.72 lakh are children.
The UNICEF called for emergency assistances for flood-hit children as they (children) are the venerable segment of the population in case of any natural disaster.

Sheldon Yett said, "When flood waters are in rising trend, unsecured condition has created for children. They face different problems including drowning, malnutrition and various water-borne diseases."

The UNICEF in cooperation with of Bangladesh government and other organization working at field level have distributed safe drinking water among one lakh flood-hit people in Sylhet and Sunamganj to reduce their suffering.

Alongside distribution of drinking water, the UNICEF also distributed over 10 litre capacity 3000 water pots for the people in food-hit regions.

According to the UNICEF statement, 810 primary schools in Sylhet Division have been submerged by flood water while 500 primary schools are used as shelter centre for flood-affected people. As many as 140 community clinics have been damaged by flood waters in the Sylhet region, it added.
 Water levels at 59 river stations monitored by Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) have marked rise while 48 stations recorded fall.

Among the 110 monitored river stations, two have been registered steady and water levels at seven river stations are flowing above the danger level, a bulletin issued by the FFWC said here today.

The Teesta River is flowing at 15cm above danger level at Kaunia station while the Surma at Kanaighat, the Kushiyara at Amalsad, at Sherpur-Sylhet and at Markuli, the Old Surma at Derai and the Someshwari at Kalmakanda are flowing 35cm, 15cm, 18cm, 39cm, 23cm and 34cm are flowing respectively.

The Ganges-Padma rivers are in rising trend, which may continue in the next 72 hours, the bulletin said, adding that the major rivers in the North-eastern region of the country are in falling trend which may continue in the next 72 hours.

Overall improvement of the flood situation in various low-lying areas under districts of the North-eastern part of the country may continue in the next 72 hours.

According to the information from meteorological organisations, low to medium rainfall in next 24 hours and medium to heavy rainfall in the next 48 to 72 hours is expected in the Northern and adjoining upstream parts of the country.

As a result, the water level of Dudhkumar, Teesta and Dharla rivers in those regions may fall in the next 24 hours which may rise in particular time in the next 48 to 72 hours.

