Inside Thought

Awami League has one Sheikh Hasina


Like everyone else, I am also drawn to chatter. Sometimes I just want a storm in a cup of tea. Whether it is politics or literature. I was talking to a senior leader of Awami League. We were talking about the current political and economic situation. Another colleague of mine was also at the table. We discussed about whether or not BNP will participate in the next election. The current state of Sri Lanka, the war in Ukraine, the global reality and the challenges facing the government were not left out from the storm in a cup of tea. We questioned what will be the role of America and India regarding Bangladesh in the upcoming elections and why diplomats are so active about Bangladesh now. The leader was giving his opinion. Again he was throwing questions to us. The leader said, 'Neither BNP nor foreigners are a factor for us. The politics of Bangladesh is not dependent on foreign countries. Nothing will happen in this country at the behest of any other country's ambassador or high commissioner. BNP's attempt to fish in troubled water will be of no use. Sushil and doctors' multifaceted activities in the country and abroad will be ruined if we are good.' I was listening to the words attentively. I asked, what do you mean by saying we are good? Please elaborate. In response, the leader said, 'We mean the Awami League. Talking about the activities of our leaders and workers. Common people see the activities of the government party. But some people do whatever they want without understanding. They engage in fights among themselves. Creates unnecessary controversy. Manifests unrestrained behavior. Does not want to understand reality. People are disappointed by this. The workers of the government party are angry and saddened. Our problem is with our inner troubles. Outside conspiracies were there before; they are still there. Only by dealing with them Awami League is in today's position.


I liked the words. Awami League is an old, traditional and experienced political party. Over the ages, this party has fought various movements. This party has led the liberation war. Sheikh Hasina fought with Bangabandhu's Awami League all her life. Established human rights. Today's Awami League is enjoying the benefits of her sacrifice. She has created a record of consecutive powers. Bangabandhu and Sheikh Hasina's Awami League knows how to agitate and how to disrupt a movement. The party has equal experience of being in and out of power for a long time. BNP does not have the strength to do anything with a strong stand against this party. Tiredness has developed within the BNP for being out of power for a long time. After Begum Khaleda Zia went to jail, there was despair. BNP is no longer in its previous position. They could not create any movement for the release of the party chairperson. Couldn't stand by the leader. There is still no end to the problems inside and outside the party. Begum Khaleda Zia is now physically ill. She is surrounded by doctors, lawsuits and jails. General leaders and workers are worried about her physical condition. Another top leader of the party is in London. Bangladeshi politics cannot be led at the top level while sitting on foreign soil. Mirza Fakhrul is fighting to manage the team in this difficult environment. It is still not the time to tell how much he can do. However, as a gentleman, Mirza Fakhrul has established a position in the country and abroad. And surviving.


The political reality of ruling party and opposition parties are completely different. There is account of demand in government party. Assault case and jail on opposition party. Awami League was in the opposition for a long time. They are in today's position after facing difficult situations including assault case and lawsuits. No one faced more adversity than Awami League. After August 15, 1975, this party was out of power for 21 years. 1975 to 1980 was a miserable time for the party. Then the leaders decided to bring Bangabandhu Daughter to support the party due to the difficult reality. Millions of Awami League workers welcomed the news of the leader's arrival. Enthusiasm was created in the team. These workers were Bangabandhu's trust. Sheikh Hasina also survives in their love. 1977 paved the way for Sheikh Hasina to take charge of Awami League. The conference was held on April 3 and 4 that year at the Eden Hotel in Dhaka. Sheikh Hasina was brought to a silent discussion among the party workers of that conference. In the conference, Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury was one of the claimants of the party president. Syeda Zohra Tajuddin inaugurated the conference under the chairmanship of Molla Jalaluddin. Many leaders including Fanibhushan Majumder, Zahirul Qayoum directly opposed Mizan Chowdhury in that conference. Young leaders agreed to it. In that council Syeda Zohra Tajuddin was temporarily made the convener. Later, Abdul Malek Ukil took over as president. Abdur Razzak became the general secretary and Tofail Ahmed became the Organizing Secretary.


In that conference, Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury paid tribute to Bangabandhu and said, 'The leader is gone but the workers are left behind. If a civilian government is established in the country, then it is possible for Awami League to form that government.' Mizan Chowdhury's speech encouraged the leaders and workers of Awami League. The idea was created around Sheikh Hasina. The next conference of Awami League was held on February 13-15, 1981. A year before that conference, the leaders started coming and going to Delhi. They requested Bangabandhu Daughter to take charge of the party. Dr. SA Malek, Zillur Rahman, IV Rahman, Abdus Samad Azad, Korban Ali, Amir Hossain Amu, Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury and other senior leaders repeatedly went with the request. In the 1981 conference, Sheikh Hasina's name was announced as the president. There was no other alternative to keep the Awami League together and to energize the workers. After the conference many leaders including Abdul Malek Ukil, Dr. Kamal Hossain, Zillur Rahman, IV Rahman, Abdul Mannan of Tangail, Abdus Samad Azad, Korban Ali, Zohra Tajuddin, Sajeda Chowdhury, Golam Akbar Chowdhury, Amir Hossain Amu, Abdur Razzak, Tofail Ahmed and many others went to Delhi again. Separately, SA Malek was the first to go. They met with the leader about the date of return to the country. Awami League leaders and workers all over the country were waiting for her return. Finally, the wait ended on May 17 of the same year.


Before Sheikh Hasina took the lead, there was apprehension about the future of Awami League. There were fears about survival. Sheikh Hasina took the helm of Awami League in a difficult environment. She was only 34 then. It was a challenge to lead such a big team at that age. Bangabandhu's daughter faced the challenge and brought the Awami League closer to power in 1986. Became the leader of the opposition party in the National Parliament. As in 1986, Awami League could not come to power in 1991 due to conspiracy. With infinite patience she tackled everything single-handedly. Awami League came to power in 1996 due to her single activism. After five years, in 2001, the conspiracy started again around Awami League. Awami League's preferred CEC was in the net of that plot. No support was received from the Awami League nominated president. After BNP-Jamaat came to power, riots started all over the country. Khaleda Zia's government had to send in the army to stop the violence. Operation Cleanheart was conducted across the country. The army went back after dealing with the situation. But the conspiracy against Sheikh Hasina was not over. This time, a grenade attack was carried out to kill Bangabandhu's daughter. The head of various agencies of the state has been accused in this incident and is now in jail. Allah saved her from death in a grenade attack on 21 August. Allah has kept her alive for people because she wants to do great work for the country.


Not only on August 21, Sheikh Hasina was repeatedly attacked after coming to the country in 1981, before 1996 and after 2001. She faced death. She was imprisoned. But she dealt the situation with extreme patience. Handled everything inside and outside the party. Many people may have forgotten many realities. Awami League would have come to power in 1986 and 1991 if Bakshal was not formed under the leadership of Abdur Razzak. We didn't have to wait until 1996. She handled the challenges of Dr. Kamal Hossain, Mostafa Mohsin Montu. Brought Abdur Razzaq back home. Abolished Razzak’s Bakshal. During and after the 1991 elections, we toured the country with Sheikh Hasina and saw people's love for her. She is responding to the love of the people of Bangladesh by coming to power with the surprise of development. Her philosophy, strong leadership of thought gave new height to Awami League and brought to a new level. Expectations have increased about Bangladesh in the country and abroad. Countries like Pakistan sees Bangladesh as a role model of development. Appreciates the Padma Bridge. This is the success of Sheikh Hasina; the success is of Bangabandhu's ideological style. People's expectations have increased for the healthy development of Bangladesh in the future. A new dream has been created. This achievement cannot be hindered by the childish behavior of some fools. I don't think Sheikh Hasina herself will let anyone do that.


The over-enthusiasts destroy Awami League all the time. Damaged reputation at home and abroad. Why would the party take responsibility of some ministers, MPs, leaders and bureaucrats? It is not the responsibility of an MP to beat. Committee Trade is not the responsibility of responsible affiliate leader. Many leaders and activists at the field level regretted the committee trade. Expressed disappointment about not holding the conference. For two and a half years, the Central Jubo League could not protect the request of Comilla South District Awami League President, General Secretary to make a committee. This organization is now of no good. One of Omar Farooq Chowdhury's critics said that he used to take decisions in haste. At the end of the day, he would organize and return home. Now it's the opposite. That day, an MP lamented about the Chhatra League. He said, they are taking money from both sides with the committee. Such committee trade is not the political culture of Awami League. If dynamic leadership is not created, if competent leaders do not come, the influence of government bureaucrats in politics will naturally increase. I have seen many bureaucrats become Awami Leaguers in the last 12 years. I have also seen it changed. Many people make new calculations after retirement. Forget about becoming a super Awami League during service. Some become civils. They speak on talk-shows and criticize the Awami League government. They express their displeasure if they do not get a contract appointment or a new five-year appointment to a commission. Forget what get got during their tenure. Awami League cannot depend on bureaucracy. Awami League is a political party based on labor. There are twelve types of people gathering in this group. But field workers are different. They have no demand. They worked for Bangabandhu. And working for Bangabandhu Daughter. They don't compare what they got and what they didn't. Because of that Awami League surviving. And will be surviving. As long as Sheikh Hasina is there, I don't see anything to worry about this party. She is handling everything single-handedly. She is the center of trust.

Awami League   Sheikh Hasina   Bangladesh   Politics  


Inside Thought

Bengal's sacrifice led to the Independence of USA.


The 4th of July is celebrated as the Independence Day of the United States of America. On that date in 1776, the leaders of the continental 13 colonies of America adopted the Declaration of Independence from the British dominion. The 4th of July was first celebrated on the 8th of July in Boston and Philadelphia in 1777.

The people of 13 colonies of America were upset with the British rule as it has been increasing taxes to pay for wars. During the late 1760s and early 1770s, the British had to fight two wars, one in the East in Bengal and the other in the West against the 13 American colonies. In order to run two wars, the British government was facing severe strain in managing funds. Therefore, it increased taxation in the colonies. But, the leaders of American colonies could not accept additional taxation, and therefore, they  launched a movement of "No taxation without representation." When Townsend tax was imposed on tea that they used to get from Bengal via Great Britain, the American revolutionaries symbolically dumped Tea Chests in the Boston Harbor popularly known as the 'Boston Tea Party'.

As the British were finding difficulty to run two wars, Prime Minister William Pitt of England asked his Cabinet to come up with a solution to fund the wars. The Cabinet Committee recommended Prime Minister William Pitt to grant Independence to 13 American colonies and intensify their war efforts in Bengal. Their rationale was that on those days, the East India Company was making more money in India than that of all 13 American colonies, the West Indies, the Caribbean, and Canada combined. In fact, the British exchequer was receiving revenue of around 400,000 pounds sterling per annum from all 13 American colonies, the West  Indies, Caribbean, and Canada together. As against this, they were receiving 100 times more revenue from Bengal, nearly 40,000,000 (40 million) pounds sterling annually. Therefore, the Prime Minister decided in 1776 to grant Independence to American colonies and intensify their subjugation in Bengal.

The Americans honored Prime Minister William Pitt by naming its famous industrial city of iron as Pittsburgh. No wonder James Novak of Asia Foundation, an American scholar, opined that Bengal's sacrifice resulted in the Independence of United States of America (Novak, 1993)

After almost 200 years, in 1971, when Bengalees were fighting for their Independence, the American law-makers, Senators and Congressmen,  American scholars, professors, doctors, and intellectuals including American diplomats  supported the cause of the liberation of Bangladesh. The American diplomat stationed in Dhaka, Arthur K. Blood and his colleagues sent his famous Blood Telegram to the US government narrating the Pakistani massacre and atrocities.  Harvard Professor John Edward Mason, Professor Marglin, and David Dorfman plus Professors Hanna and Gus Papaneck, those who were experts in Pakistan, stated in April 1971, and I quote, "emergence of independent Bangladesh will be a reality." The question is, at what cost, and at the cost of how many lives. Sooner, the US administration of Nixon-Kissinger realizes it. It's better, it's better for all.

Popular American singers and musicians John Harrison, Joan Baaz, Robi Sanker, et al. organized a Bangladesh Concert at the Madison Square garden in New York to raise public awareness and also funds for the refugees. Thousands of people echo them,  Bangladesh, O! Bangladesh.

Although Nixon-Kissinger administration was adamant, and they violated all American national and international laws to support the Pakistani military junta to perpetuate its genocide in then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), American lawmakers like Senator Edward M

 Kennedy, Sen. Sexbe, Senator Walter Mondale, Richard Reid, Congressman Gallagher, et al. brought one after another bills to block the US weapons' shipment to Pakistan. The longshore men and women of Baltimore and Philadelphia blocked the passage of ships loaded with weapons for Pakistan with their hundreds of small boats and canopies. We, as Bangladeshis, are proud of them. We are grateful to all of them.

The good news is, although the US administration opposed the Independence of Bangladesh but once we got our victory on 16th December 1971, the US government soon recognized us, and they supported our bid for the UN membership 15 times out of 16 (once Abstained). Not only that, the USA was one of the largest donors to Bangladesh immediately after our independence. Now, our relationship with the USA is multifaceted, and they are our largest importer of RMG and also the largest investor. We share the same values and principles of democracy, human rights, freedom of religion, speech, and media just like the Americans. Bangladesh is the only country in the world that sacrificed 3 million lives in 1971 in order to establish democracy, justice, human rights, and human dignity.

While Americans are celebrating the 4th of July, their Independence Day, we also join them for better, more humane, and more peaceful world for all.


Dr. A K Abdul Momen

MP and Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and also former Foreign Minister of Bangladesh

Bengal's sacrifice   Independence of USA  


Inside Thought

All the achievements of Bangladesh since 1981 are the achievements of Sheikh Hasina

Publish: 09:13 AM, 16 May, 2024


From May 17, 1981, to May 17, 2023, in the span of these 42 years, Bangladesh has seen a singular journey led by Philosophical Statesperson Sheikh Hasina. Throughout these 42 years, Bangladeshi politics, economy, and social development have revolved around one figure, Sheikh Hasina. The main protagonist of Bangladesh's aspirations and struggles in these 42 years has been the Philosophical Statesperson Sheikh Hasina. And those who opposed independence and were the defeated forces of '71 and '75, have emerged as new villains in the history of these 42 years. The Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, had a specific goal in liberating Bangladesh. He aspired for a hunger-free, poverty-free, and non-communal progressive Bangladesh. We call it the Sonar Bangla in one word. On March 7th, the Father of the Nation spoke about two things. One was the struggle for independence, and the other was the struggle for liberation. Through the victory on December 16, 1971, we achieved our independence. We obtained the territory of Bangladesh. We earned the flag soaked in blood. And from January 10, 1972, began the struggle for liberation in Bangladesh. Bangabandhu had several short-term, medium-term, and long-term plans towards the reconstruction of Sonar Bangla. But on August 15, 1975, the Father of the Nation was brutally assassinated with his family. It was not just one President or the Father of the Nation who was killed, but rather our dream was assassinated. Bangladesh was essentially murdered. And that's why I consider May 17, 1981, as the declaration of the second liberation war of Bangladesh. Bangladesh had transformed into a dependent, subordinate, and despair-ridden failed state since 1975. Until the beginning of 1996, Bangladesh was established as a failed state, and those in power tried various means to establish it. And visionary stateswoman Sheikh Hasina, since returning to the country on May 17, 1981, initiated the struggle that became known as the Restoration of Sonar Bangla. It was a struggle to establish the consciousness of the Liberation War, the struggle to establish human rights. And the path to this struggle was not easy. She had to be fight in every moment and at every step.

In these 42 years, everything Bangladesh has achieved, its accomplishments, its character, everything is a testament to the philosophical statesperson Sheikh Hasina. She has taken Bangladesh to a place in these 42 years where Bangladesh signifies Sheikh Hasina. Without Sheikh Hasina, it is unimaginable to think of Bangladesh now. And here lies the rationality, the significance of Sheikh Hasina's initiative. In 1981, when she came to Bangladesh, what was Bangladesh like? There was curfew at night, thousands of people were in jail, people were being killed without trial. Basic human rights of people were absent. The Constitution was being shredded and distorted. Extrajudicial killings were rampant. And it was for this reason that Sheikh Hasina, the philosophical statesperson, upon returning to her homeland, initiated the struggle for the rights of the people. In the journey of that struggle, she called for the downfall of autocracy. Under her leadership, the main movement for democracy in Bangladesh took shape. It was through this movement that we bid farewell to autocracy. However, even after a democratically elected government took power, attempts were made to undermine the people's right to vote in 1991. Once again, the black mark fell upon the fundamental human rights of the people. It was at this time that the visionary statesperson Sheikh Hasina initiated a new movement. In 1996, she brought the Bangladesh Awami League, the leading party in the Liberation War, to power after 21 years. From there began the transformation of Bangladesh, spearheaded by Sheikh Hasina. The initiatives taken by Sheikh Hasina were not limited to just infrastructure or governance responsibilities. If we analyze her tenure from 1996 to 2001, we will see that through thousands of initiatives like My House, My Farm, Ashrayan, community clinics, elderly allowances, widow allowances, and many more, she has ensured the establishment of an equal right in terms of development just as he sang the song of liberating discrimination. Most importantly, she has aimed to establish the empowerment of the people.

The Sheikh Hasina Initiative is not just for community clinics. The Sheikh Hasina Initiative is for Bangladesh. And by approving the Community Clinic as the Sheikh Hasina Initiative, the United Nations has clarified a matter: that she is an unparalleled leader, a global leader. There is no equivalent leader in the world at this moment. No head of government has been recognized by the United Nations in this way. The United Nations had received two proposals from Sheikh Hasina. The first was in 2012, where she was unanimously accepted for her vision of peace and empowerment of the people. And in 2023, the Community Clinic was accepted as part of the Sheikh Hasina Initiative. We can easily assume how much intellectual, visionary, and wise a statesman should be for her vision to be embraced at a global forum. Therefore, on May 17, the day of the return of our homeland's leader Sheikh Hasina, our main responsibility will be to awaken, manage, and implement the Sheikh Hasina Initiative, starting from the grassroots to the highest echelons, to realize the Sheikh Hasina Initiative in its true sense. Only then can we see a truly developed Bangladesh, the Bangladesh envisioned by the Father of the Nation and the humble philosopher-statesman Sheikh Hasina.


Inside Thought

Sheikh Hasina is the architect of this changing Bangladesh


On the 15th of August, 1975, the nation was directionless in the aftermath of the tragic event. In this infernal incident, people were left bewildered. There was no courage to protest or resist. Many prominent leaders of the party were duty-bound but misguided. The house at Dhanmondi 32 were silent as graves. The entire nation was then engulfed in darkness. Military boots trampled over democracy. The constitution and people's fundamental rights were displaced by exile. Even the mention of Bangabandhu's name was prohibited. At that time, neither the contemporary radio nor television dared to utter Bangabandhu's name. The country was led astray.

The Bangladesh that was born in 1971 was lost by 1975. Throughout the country, there was only despair and disbelief. Six years after being in exile, the leader Sheikh Hasina returned to her homeland Bangladesh on May 17, 1981, without fear or hesitation, leaving behind many risks and keeping her family members abroad.

When she returned to the country, an unprecedented scene unfolded. I still vividly remember how people were ecstatic and elated upon seeing her. Their eyes were filled with joy. She came as a beacon of hope, bringing with her the flicker of light. She emerged as the symbol of everyone's hopes and aspirations, the epitome of trustworthiness. She stood as the address of credibility when the corridors of power were plagued with mistrust. The path of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was not easy upon coming to power in the country. It wasn't smooth, nor was it without challenges. However, she, disregarding all obstacles and adversities, established Bangladesh as a progressive and self-reliant nation through her intelligence, skill, dedication, integrity, competence, wisdom, creativity, and visionary leadership in the broad democratic perspective. The people regain all their rights. By the boundless grace of Allah, we have found a leader in Sheikh Hasina. Just as Bangabandhu created Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina has transformed it. As long as Bangladesh remains in the hands of Sheikh Hasina, the country will not lose its way. 


Inside Thought

Sheikh Hasina, the home of 18 crore people


In 1781, amidst the treacherous betrayal by Mir Jafar, one of the most detested generals in history, Bengal bid farewell to Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah, marking the onset of a 200-year-long colonial subjugation. Though India gained independence in 1947, Bengalis and Bangladeshis did not taste freedom. Then Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the nation, emerged as a hero and beacon of hope for all the Bengalis. From 1971 to the '75, the crimson flag of independence soared high, igniting the hearts of Bengalis with hope. Yet, the modern-day Mir Jafars, by assassinating the father of the nation, clouded the consciousness of independence. Fortunately, Bangabandhu's privileged daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana survived because they were abroad. Despite not committing any injustice, they were obstructed from returning to Bangladesh. Due to the military ruler and governance, she had to bear the burden of exile. But the helpless, elderly, and oppressed people of the country, can gauge the authentic affection of Sheikh Hasina through the barometer of their hearts.

Hence, Sheikh Hasina's return to the country on May 17, 1981, brought a beacon of hope to the nation's people. The wheel of development of Bengalis' destiny is now moving rapidly in the right direction towards the right destination. On May 17, 1981, the day she set foot on the soil of Bengal, her path was somewhat thorny. Even an ordinary citizen had the right to enter their own home, their father's home. But Sheikh Hasina's right was curtailed. On May 17, 1981, upon setting foot on the soil of her homeland, Sheikh Hasina had two files on her heart's table. One file contained the tragic tale of the loss of her father, along with other family members, on August 15, 1975, and the subsequent trials. The other file depicted the realization of Bangabandhu's dream—the development of a golden Bengal and the progress of the Bengali nation. If Sheikh Hasina hadn't returned to the country on May 17, 1981, the destiny of the Bengali nation would never have seen the light; it would have lingered in perpetual darkness. That's why the people of Bengal hold onto a slogan: “Sheikh Hasina, the home of 18 crore people


Inside Thought

Today, the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina cannot be sidelined by the global community


Today, we are talking about May 17th, the day when the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina returned to her homeland. Again, last year on this day, the brain child of Sheikh Hasina, the Community Clinic was recognized by the United Nations as 'The Sheikh Hasina Initiative'. Today, we are talking about Digital Bangladesh, we are talking about the developed Bangladesh, we are talking about the smart Bangladesh that we dream of, the dream of an advanced Bangladesh, all of these are the Sheikh Hasina initiative.

We want to remember the day she returned to the country, a day of eager anticipation for all Bengalis. People welcomed Bangabandhu's daughter without any reservations on that day. However, on that day, she couldn't enter her house at 32 Dhanmondi. She wanted to observe Milad, wanted to enter her house, but she couldn't. Despite facing so much injustice and obstacles, today she has not only become the leader of Bangladesh but has also transformed into a global leader. Today, the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina cannot be sidelined by the global community. Even if some fail to recognize the importance of a Prime Minister in Bangladesh, they cannot ignore Sheikh Hasina. Because she is Sheikh Hasina, she is Bangabandhu's daughter. The development of Bangladesh under her leadership, the dreams she holds, is a wonder to all. Today, even Pakistanis say, "Let us make Bangladesh."

After coming to power in 1996, Sheikh Hasina established community clinics to deliver health services to the people's doorsteps. An initiative like the Community Clinic was never thought of. It was completely Sheikh Hasina's idea. But with the change of government, the BNP-Jamaat alliance came to power and closed the community clinic. With the closure of community clinics, the rural people was deprived of primary healthcare. Upon returning to power, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina restarted these clinics. The United Nations has taken it as a model and has endorsed it as 'The Sheikh Hasina Initiative'. Today, it is understood how much of an innovation it actually was. Sheikh Hasina's initiative is now desired to be followed by other countries. 

